Monday, 26 April 2010

Cultural understanding within design communication

Reflecting on the research collected so far, I need to focus on a key thread within my research in order to collate and organise it. I think the main areas to focus on are colour and humour. Looking at Freud's analysis on humour, he divided it into two categories; tendentious and non-tendentious.

Tendentious: relies on aggression and/or sexual focus
Non-tendentious: more playful & relies on absurdities or nonsense.

Freud's analysis has been used in an advertising setting in the table below:

(REFERENCE: Gulas, C.S. & Weinberger, M.G. Humour in Advertising: a comprehensive analysis. 2006, M.E. Sharpe Inc. New York.)

The table includes catagories of humour found by McCullough and Taylor (1993), of which correspond directly with Freud's analysis of
tendentious and non-tendentious (each of the table catagories fall under Freud's two classifications). (Charles S. Gulas, Marc G. Weinberger, p.99, 2006)

It is interesting to see which are the more common forms of humour within advertising, and
may be useful to use these categories as a structure to organise research within my book.

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