Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Seven deadly sins

Touch this design (above)
I thought the above piece is relative since some of the 'blunders' are similar to that of the seven deadly sins.

The above idea is a really great concept, I love the physical idea of washing away sins!! What would be needed to wash away each individual sin??

This is a really original interpretation of the seven deadly sins. The simplicity of each sin in the form of a glass works really well and the clever variations of each communicates well conceptually.

http://www.kacperhamilton.com/Kacper_Hamilton/Deadly_Glasses.html#grid (accessed 26/01/2010)

Friday, 22 January 2010

Billboard research

The above image gave me the idea that a similar technique could be implemented on a billboard, in a different context.

The below three images were found on:


I appreciate the way in which the building itself has been used to make the advert more effective. Consideration of the building cranes or surrounding buildings for example have been incorporated in the design of these adverts. Looking at the Strongbow billboard photographed previously, the surrounding scaffolding would be a good opportunity for me to manipulate my design concept in a similar way.

I photographed billboards in Leeds in order to find an appropriate setting where the surrounding background behind the billboard could be fitting for my concept. I need an area in which there is an opportunity for a frame that incorporates the billboard with both sky and buildings in the background. The idea is that I can take a photograph of what is behind the billboard on a sunny day and then place in on the billboard so that when the weather is miserable in the background, it communicates 'exceed your vision' as we are always wishing for summer weather. It was interesting to find such a large number of billboards around Leeds since I never really noticed all of them before! I also noticed that most of the advertisements are repeated a lot.