Tuesday 1 June 2010

Design context book

Below is my final context book. I bound it with a hard back cover and made the sleeve have a cardboard 'feel' by printing onto textured paper. I also made the type smaller than original mock ups and used helvetica rather than gill sans, which gives a better finish. Unfortunately trimming the pages has resulted in the center page numbers being very close to the edge. The sleeve inserts also need to be slightly longer to hold in place, but otherwise I am satisfied with the finish.

I chose to use a hard back binding for a 'sturdier' and more compact finish. Since it was not possible to glue the printed outer cover onto the hardback, I have used it as a sleeve.

Mock up below : printed onto plain paper

Origionally the idea was to use real cardboard for the cover, but after doing a quick experiment (below) the folding is not very accurate and it would not have been possible to digital print onto cardboard. I think it would be better to take photographs of the cardboard for the cover, which may give a more professional look but keep the quirky finish.

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